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February 9, 2022

Combating the Decline In High School Sports Participation

In the 2018-19 school year, there was a decline in 43,395 from the year prior, according to the NFHS's annual High School Athletics Participation Survey.

The last time the report found a decline was in 1988-89.

The sports with the largest declines were two of the most popular ones: 11-player football and basketball.

USA Today High School Sports

With safety being the largest concern in Football, Atavus looks to help address some of the areas of concern through our safe tackling programs. Atavus aims to:


  • Reduce the likelihood of injury by removing the head from tackling so players stay on the field.


  • Take action to make the game safer and keep participation rates high.


  • Provide coaches with access to online drill libraries, practice plans, and coaching tips.

Read the rest of the article here: Study: For First Time in 30 Years, High School Sports Participation is Down

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