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July 16, 2019

Introducing Atavus Edge

Atavus Edge launches, bringing techniques for more wins and increased player safety to coaches with easy online purchase
ATAVUS Tackle System video instruction

John Gallagher, Jul. 16th 2019

When Atavus introduced our shoulder-led tackling technique three years ago, our goal was to help coaches prepare athletes to play a safer and more effective game of football.

In the early days we worked with some of the best football minds and football programs to test and refine our approach. We are grateful to the coaches and players at the University of Washington and Ohio State University, for example, in the way they embraced us as a developmental partner. The on-field validation (Ohio State won a national championship while using Atavus tackling drills and technique) and elite coaching perspective was invaluable and paved the way for Atavus to get better and grow.

Since then we’ve participated in countless clinics, spoken with thousands of coaches, and expanded the number of coaches using our coach education platform into the tens of thousands. The Atavus Tackle System has become the most comprehensive tackling performance, safety, and measurement system at any level of the game.

However, until today, the Atavus Tackle System has been a solution only for those with sufficient resources to invest in large-group education, game film analysis, reporting, and consulting. Our current customers are accomplished college programs, state and local associations, school districts, and other organizations across the football landscape.With today’s launch of Atavus Edge, Atavus now delivers an easy-to-buy solution for individual coaches who want to bring shoulder-led technique to their teams. Rather than waiting for a clinic sponsored by a local school district or accessing our drills through a program that purchased Atavus Tacklytics™, an individual coach can now purchase directly from Atavus.

Individual coaches purchasing Atavus Edge will receive:

  • Access to the Digital Tackling Academy
  • 3 Atavus core concepts videos
  • 30 drill videos and associated drill sheets
  • Tackle Talks
  • An option to complete Atavus tackling certification

And because we believe that nothing should stand in the way of a coach helping make the game safer, we’ve priced Atavus Edge to be affordable: subscribe now at $49 for your first year as part of an introductory offer.

At the center of Atavus Edge is the Digital Tackling Academy (DTA), the software platform that powers our online resources. The DTA provides coaches with access to all our coaching resources from a single location. In the DTA you can view videos, print drill sheets, implement a practice plan, and manage your account. The DTA is your one-stop-shop for understanding shoulder-led tackling technique, building your coaching skills, and getting the best out of your players.

Additionally, Atavus Edge subscribers will have access to several new items that have us excited.

Our new recorded webinar series, Tackle Talks, means that an Atavus Edge subscription never stops providing new and interesting coaching materials. At least once per month, a new, pre-recorded video session with Atavus coaches and others will take you beyond our standard technique and help you make the most of your coaching time.

The first Tackle Talk, “Seasonal Tackle Training” is available now. This video shares insights from Atavus coaches on how each part of the year presents a different opportunity for coaching and improvement. It is a great learning tool that helps you take the drills in Atavus Edge and get them on the field at the right time.

The second Tackle Talk features a certain All-Pro linebacker with a passion for tackling with his shoulder. You’ll get his insight on how to coach players to be more effective tacklers. (Bobby Wagner. It’s Bobby Wagner.)

While everything mentioned until now can make a difference to a coach, the most asked-for element of the Atavus Tackle System has always been certification. Atavus tackling certification has become the standard credential for football coaches seeking to demonstrate their knowledge of safe and dominant tackling. Until today, no option was available for an individual coach to certify other than through a state association such as Texas.

Good news: Atavus Edge subscribers will have the ability to become Atavus tackling certified at no extra cost. For those of us involved with company, the availability of online certification through Atavus is a most exciting development. First, it meets an immediate market demand. Not a day passes without a coach using the ‘Contact Us’ page on our website to inquire about becoming certified. It feels great to be able to answer those inquiries with a solid solution. Second, everyone at Atavus believes that our technique can make a difference to coaches, to players, and to the game. We genuinely believe our tackling technique is safer and high performance. Being able to bring certification to a wider audience feels like a giant step forward.

So there you go: today is a big day at Atavus, and hopefully a big day, too, for coaches who want to improve performance and reduce player risk.

To subscribe to Atavus Edge, click below and use coupon code EDGE2019

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